The colors were a mix of bright and muted pinks and greens, with some purple, blue and yellow.
The dessert table included cupcakes, punch, and a mini-cake.
I used the same fabric from the pennant banner to make a ruffle ribbon for the cupcake tower. The cupcakes were so yummy, I love how our "cake lady", Connie, sprinkles sugar crystals on top for an extra bit of bling.
The mini-cake with a mini-banner that says Abigail.
The birthday girl in her butterfly dress and her "3" crown made from the same fabric as the banner.
This crown turned out pretty large but she kept it on for almost the entire party.
This was the centerpiece on the island where the other food was.
We served her favorites: marshmallows, goldfish, and grapes. I made a yummy dip called Mississippi Sin.
We decorated plant pots with foamie stickers for our craft and it seemed to take a good bit of time. I had some games planned but somehow we never got to them. We had a coloring table set up with butterfly and flower coloring sheets and lots of the kids spent time there too.
Aww! She is so pretty. This is a perfect arrangement and I am so happy that I came across this. I have booked one of the finest venues in Chicago for my son’s birthday celebration. I can have things like this but will surely change the colors.