Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saint Patrick's Day Kid Craft

Zac is always asking to do a craft so I decided to change up a little activity I used to do with my class when I was teaching.  We always made "coffee filter butterflies" when we studied butterflies, so I thought we could change it up and do "coffee filter shamrocks".
Here is our supply list: 
green markers, coffee filters, chenille sticks, water spray bottle.

Color the coffee filters with the markers.  Abigail had fun and finished much more quickly than Zachary who took his time and colored every last inch of his coffee filter.

Spray with water until the color starts to run and let dry.

Accordian fold each coffee filter and secure with a chenille stick.

Put two together and twist stick to make stems.
We put our shamrocks in a green bucket with green rocks.  A cute, easy little kid craft!

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!

1 comment:

  1. SO cute! What a great idea! I am a new follower and I am having my first ever linky party for kids activities and I would LOVE if you would come link up this project! Hope to see you soon!
